Paired with Feature Film, The Falconer The story of one man who changed the National Rifle Association (NRA) forever. Told through meticulously crafted archive, THE RIFLEMAN takes us into the life and trajectory of Harlon Carter, the leading force behind a coup who paved the way for the NRA’s staunch anti-regulation stance and unyielding influence in American politics.
Paired with Feature Film, The Falconer The story of one man who changed the National Rifle Association (NRA) forever. Told through meticulously crafted archive, THE RIFLEMAN takes us into the life and trajectory of Harlon Carter, the leading force behind a coup who paved the way for the NRA’s staunch anti-regulation stance and unyielding influence in American politics.
Sierra Pettengill is known for her work on The Reagan Show (2017), Graven Image (2017) and Cutie and the Boxer (2013).
Paired with Feature Film, The Falconer The story of one man who changed the National Rifle Association (NRA) forever. Told through meticulously crafted archive, THE RIFLEMAN takes us into the life and trajectory of Harlon Carter, the leading force behind a coup who paved the way for the NRA’s staunch anti-regulation stance and unyielding influence in American politics.